Friday, July 30, 2010

Lovin' it! Good Job GOOGLE! :)

I love iGoogle and the stuff i could add to it. :) cookings, daily quotes, weather updates, time and date, news, latest movies etc... So whenever I open my laptop I am reminded of a lot of things. :) Cool isn't?!

you wouldn't have to open your books for new recipes, or look at the calender to check what date it is today, be inspired with the daily quotes, and be updated with the latest news. :) am I havin' so much fun? YES, I am. :)

Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Avenue of Stars

Breathtaking lights.

Visited Disneyland, Hong Kong

Finally!We were able to visit, and roamed disneyland. It was the most exhausting travel I ever had yet the most enjoyable and memorable one. :)

Here are the pictures!

Accept life as it is, although things don't always happen the way we want them to. I am just grateful for having honey as my consistent listener… as He is always by my side caring for me. He taught me to adapt to all environment, so that I will not be interrupted and bothered while am so focused achieving my goals. He taught me to be humble, to be strong, to be wise, to be independent, to be patient, and so much more. Everything He teaches me guides me into becoming a better person. I will try not to shed tears for myself, telling me how harsh my experiences were. Instead, I will channel this energy into something that is more beneficial.

Time passes unconsciously, when some heart-breaking things happen, and when he/she does things that really disappoint you, as he/she does not possess the qualities that you expected, and you see more cons than pros. This is when you know you have to make the move to do the "right thing".

Feeling a little low at the moment… Sob. Speechless… Could not even continue writing this blog…it hurts me, really! Sniff.

Thanks Honey! Thanks for cheering me up!

Dear Sam,

When times seem too hard to bear & I l feel like giving up
I vision your beautiful face, the twinkle of your eyes and things of such
The bond we created from my womb to the day you were born
Is a mother and daughter bind that can never be torn
With the strength and guidance of God and the blessings he pours down from above
I want to be the best mom I can be to you and embrace you with all my love
You are as precious as a flower and as gorgeous as a rose
You have been specially made to the very tip of your nose
You are as sweet as honey; such an innocent young child
You are brighter than any star in the sky every time you smile
I want you to be proud of who you are and strive to be the best
Put forth your efforts to achieve your goals and let God do the rest
I will always be your mother first, but I'm also your friend
Your are the most precious gift, that I've ever been given

Loving you forever,